4 problem 3, pp. 34 44 2015In matlab schooling equipment, student find many counselors who will support them for engineering certain career path but commonly nobody guides matlab pupil after stepping into matlab specific career flow. This task is engineering device which is in keeping with matlab evaluation and proposals. This is beneficial for matlab students for analyzing their career and choosing matlab right future path. Results and recommendations and even matlab career possibilities can be provided in accordance with matlab enter which is provided by matlab scholar. It will be so adaptive that administrator can tackle matlab database even with out understanding matlab details engineering matlab database. Prevention and Control matlab two main reasons of engine room fires are scavenge fires and crankcase explosions occurring on matlab main diesel engines. Both could be detected and avoided if discovered early sufficient. The scavenge fire is detected by high exhaust temperature, paint peeling engineering matlab scavenge door or matlab Mate phoning right down to inform us of black smoke and sparks emitting from matlab flue. The much more critical crankcase explosion is brought about by engineering building up of lube oil mist interior matlab crankcase. This triggers matlab oil mist detector and matlab alarm will sound, giving matlab engineer enough time to slow down matlab engine enabling matlab cool. In matlab adventure of an explosion, matlab explosion reduction gadgets on matlab crankcase doors will lift.