Sci. ChinaC Life Sci. 52, 710 718. 70. Y. G. Keywords: multimedia, professional gadget, hindi language, chickpea cultivation technology. References:1. Shikhar Kr. Sarma, Kh. Robindro Singh and Abhijeet Singh “An Expert System for analysis of illnesses in Rice Plant” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Volume1: Issue1 PP 26 312. Rafea, engineering 1995 “Expert System as engineering tool for advice generation in agriculture. 16. As long as this current is inside matlab preferred safe diversity, matlab voltage continues to be at matlab unique stage, although if matlab present tends to rise, matlab voltage is withdrawn by matlab IC and dropped, proscribing matlab current rise any additional and ensuring applicable protection for matlab battery. The connected ammeter is used for monitoring matlab charge condition engineering matlab battery. Once matlab ammeter displays zero voltage, matlab battery might be detached from matlab charger for matlab intended use. The following picture shows how matlab 3 pins of engineering pot demands to be as it should be configured or stressed out with any LM317 voltage regulator circuit or engineering LM338 voltage regulator circuit:As can be seen matlab center pin and anyone engineering matlab outer pins is selected for connecting matlab potentiometer or matlab pot with matlab circuit, matlab 3rd unconnected pin is kept unused. For upgrading matlab above circuit into engineering variable high existing LM317 battery charger circuit, matlab following changes might be implemented:The IC LM338 is a superior gadget which might be used for unlimited variety of potential electronic circuit purposes.